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The evolution of generations and why do we need to understand who they are?

Understanding generational differences is essential in the workplace. Each generation brings its own set of expectations, work styles, and communication preferences. Recognising and appreciating these differences can improve team collaboration, leadership effectiveness, and overall organisational culture.

From the resilient Baby Boomers to the tech-savvy Generation Z, each generational cohort is shaped by its distinct experiences, values, and cultural influences. Here is a little introduction to each:

Baby Boomers (born between 1947-1964)

Born in the aftermath of World War II, Baby Boomers are hardworking and value face to face communication. Traditionally they are seen as team players and goal-orientated. They bring a wealth of life experience to the workplace.

Generation X (born between 1965-1980)

Have a great work ethic, they see their jobs as what they do and not who they are. They want a good work/life balance and prefer to work with like-minded people who share their values.

Have learned to prioritise their mental health and the need to avoid burnout. More likely to have complex caring responsibilities than previous generations. Can communicate openly with both older and younger generations and understand each generation's perspective.

Generation Y or Millennials (born between 1981-1996)

By 2025 they will make up 75% of the workforce. They want to make a difference and see a job as more than just a way to make money. They want leadership that supports their development and to treat them as individuals. Grew up amidst rapid technological advancements, witnessing the rise of the internet and mobile devices. Embrace diversity, value experiences over possessions, and champion social causes.

Generation Z (1997-Present)

Raised in a hyper-connected world, with access to information at their fingertips. They want a progressive and open-minded environment in which to grow. Seen as entrepreneurial, socially conscious, and accustomed to rapid change. Generation Z is expected to continue pushing for social change, embracing innovation, and reshaping the workplace.

As we traverse the generational timeline, it becomes evident that each cohort brings a unique perspective and set of values to the workplace. The interplay of historical events, technological advancements, and cultural shifts shape these generations, leaving an indelible mark on society. Understanding these distinctions, with the caveat that they are broad in their assumptions, will help leaders foster empathy and collaboration, paving the way for a more inclusive and harmonious workplace culture.

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